History Of Our Organisation

Sri Sundara Mahalingeswarar Social Welfare Trust was registered in the year 2009 under the Indian Trust Act.  Our trust is involved in various social activities and programmes in line with the objectives of the trust.

Sri Sundara Mahalingeswarar Social Welfare Trust  founded by Mr.S.Mahalingam with the support of the trust members and registered under the Indian trust act for legal entity

during the year vide region No.  350/2009 at 278 at sub register office, at Thiruvidaimarudur Taluk, Tanjore District, Tamil Nadu State.

Being our organization with secular democratic and non-profit motive we solicit the support of all the people who are like minded to make our programmes successful.

Founder profile

Mr. S. Mahalingam, who is the Founder of Sri sundara Mahalingeswarer Arakkattalai belongs to the Thepperumanallur village in thiruvidaimarudhur taluk of thanjavur district. After serving more than 35 years in Central Excise and Customs department, he retried as superintendent from the department, after his retirement he became active in social services.

He was very fond of human relationship and he thought deeply and discussed with family members decided to start a charitable trust in the year 2009 and he has founded Sri Sundara Mahalingeswarer Arakkattalai with whole-hearted support of family members and friends who are interested in social service.

The founder Mr. S. Mahalingam has been involving in promotion of education among rural poor, health and environmental development and renovation cum maintenance of Temples. He is committed himself for the above task.

After his retirement he is spending more time to support the rural people, old age people, deprived poor child and orphans with his own earnings.

The charitable trust is running well and still he want to uplift his trust to do more service to sort of people who needs helping hand for betterment of their life.

For this noble cause the good hearted people may contribute donations and they can join hands with the trust. You may write to him freely for any enquires about the trust and service

Aims and Objectives of the Trust

Our Services