Elite Members Group is an initiative of SSM Trust.
Elite Members Group started as a Google group and as of now 36000 + members are there from India and across the world.
The Group is engaged in various activities in the arena of education with the participation and contribution of its valuable members and State Coordinators.
Click here to view more details about the group activities through the Trust.
IJEGR Journal
IJEGR Journal International Journal of Exclusive Global Research [IJEGR] is an international peer blind reviewed multidisciplinary journal. It will be published on-line every month.
Tailoring Training

The trust is giving tailoring training to the ladies for the last five years.
All the rural areas women are taking training in the trust campus.
Free Book Bank & Library
We are operating a free Book Bank through our trust in the trust premises.
To view the article about our book which appeared on the Puthiya Thalaimurai Magazine.
Tree Plantation

We have set up a mini garden at Puliampettai and nursing plant saplings with the financial help of the Trust. Through that we are distributing plant saplings to the interested people free of cost with a request to grow the plant as tree and help the environmental cleanliness.
Further the trust itself has planted trees in the Kumbakonam to Madras trunk Road more than 500 numbers in both sides of the road. Also we have planted trees in several temples garden in and around Kumbakonam. Apart from the above our trust members often visiting the Dwelling of the poor people and help them in urgent small needs and guide them to improve their lifestyle.
We have distributed: